We're excited to share that SWISSUbase has published its 1000th dataset! Also version 2.8 is now online.

PICE - Parental Investment in Children's Education

Ref. 20043

Description générale

Période concernée


Région géographique

Informations géographiques additionnelles



PICE is an in depth-study of TREE (TREE2 - Transition von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben) that deals with the educational pathways of young adults and is particularly interested in how they are accompanied by their families on their way to professional life: PICE wants to analyse what educational aspirations young people in Switzerland have and whether or how they are supported by their parents. https://www.pice.unibe.ch/index_eng.html For more information on TREE2 see: Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Sacchi, Stefan; Meyer, Thomas (2022). The TREE Multi-Cohort Panel Study: Theoretical Framework (In Press). Bern: TREE [boris/170576] TREE, -- (2021). TREE: Transitions from Education to Employment, Cohort 2 (TREE2), Panel waves 0-2 (2016-2018) [Dataset]. In: FORS Data Service, 1255. Bern/Lausanne: FORS Center [doi/https://doi.org/10.23662/FORS-DS-1255-1] [boris/154530] Hupka-Brunner, Sandra; Jann, Ben; Koomen, Maarten; Krebs-Oesch, Dominique Fabienne; Meyer, Thomas; Müller, Barbara; von Rotz, Christina; Sacchi, Stefan; Wilhelmi, Barbara (2021). TREE2 study design Bern: TREE [doi/http://dx.doi.org/10.48350/152018] [boris/152018]


PICE has shed light on how parental investments, in terms of resources, strategies and aspirations, contribute to the educational pathways of their children. For more a more detailed description of the findings please consult the bibliographical references and the website https://www.pice.unibe.ch/index_en.