Swiss National Science Foundation Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC)

Ref. 13610

Allgemeine Beschreibung


2018 - ongoing

Geographischer Raum

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The SNSF Career Tracker Cohorts (CTC) study tracks the careers of applicants for the postdoctoral career funding schemes of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). These include Early Postdoc.Mobility, Postdoc.Mobility, Ambizione, PRIMA, and Eccellenza. The aim of the CTC study is to gain a better understanding of the researchers’ career paths and of the career impact that is attributable to the SNSF career funding schemes. The results will also serve as a basis for the future development of career funding policies and schemes at the SNSF. The CTC project is designed as a panel study with yearly cohorts. Every new cohort starts with a base survey shortly after the application deadline. Subsequently, the participants are invited to take part in a monitoring survey every year, in order to follow-up on their professional and personal life situations.

