Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators (AMELI) Workpackage 4 on Robust Methods and Workpackage 7 on the Analysis of Simulation results and Workpackage 8 on Visualisation

Ref. 10626

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AMELI is a research project under the EU-FP7 programme: The project was funded under the European Commissions 7th Framework Programme. EC-Project Reference: 217322, Research area: SSH- 2007-6.2-01. Visit: In order to measure social cohesion with Laeken indicators adequately while regarding national characteristics and practical peculiarities from the newly created EU-SILC, an improved methodology will be elaborated within AMELI. This will ensure that future political decision in the area of quality of life can be based on more adequate and high-quality data and a proper understanding of the Laeken indicators by the users. The study will include research on data quality including its measurement, treatment of outliers and nonresponse, small area estimation and the measurement of development over time. A large simulation study based on EU-SILC data will allow a simultaneous elaboration of the methodology focusing on practical issues aiming at support for policy. Due to the fact that the Laeken indicators are based on a highly sophisticated methodology the project's outcome may also serve as a methodological complement for other FP7 projects in the area of indicators.


Development of Simulation Scenarios for simulating close-to-reality unvierses, in particular outlier and contamination scenarios. Robustification of the Quintile Share Ratio Estimator. Evaluation of the simulations on robustification of inequality estimators, on variance estimation and on small area estimation. Visualisation of changes of indicators over time. Visualisation of indicators on stylised maps (checkerplot).