MOSAiCH 2020. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland. Study on Environment and related topics

Ref. 1232

Dataset Overview

Dataset title

MOSAiCH 2020. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland. Study on Environment and related topics

Dataset description language


Dataset Description

The data is documented in English, but the data collection languages are German, French and Italian E: Be aware that the downloadable file is a highly anonymized version. If you notice (after the download) that this data file is not sufficient for your purpose, you can ask for the complete anonymized data file by sending an e-mail to This version is available with prior agreement of authors only. When asking for this file, you will need to argue why the highly anonymized version is not sufficient for your intended use. D: Wir möchten Sie darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei diesem Datensatz um stark anonymisierte Daten handelt. Falls Sie nach dem Download bemerken sollten, dass diese Version Ihren Analysevorhaben nicht genügt, können Sie per E-Mail an die kompletten Daten in anonymisierter Form anfordern. Diese sind ausschliesslich nach Zustimmung der Autoren/innen erhältlich. Um diese kompletteren Daten anzufragen, werden Sie gebeten zu begründen, weshalb die stark anonymisierten Daten für Ihr Vorhaben nicht genügen. F : Nous attirons l’attention des chercheurs·euses sur le fait qu’il s'agit d'une version hautement anonymisée des données de cette étude. Si, après téléchargement, celle-ci ne devait pas suffire à vos besoins, vous pouvez faire une demande par e-mail à pour la version anonymisée complète, disponible uniquement avec accord préalable des auteur·e·s. Vous devrez alors exposer pourquoi la version hautement anonymisée ne suffit pas pour réaliser votre projet. The comprehensive Survey Documentation report covers the documentation of the whole survey cycle of MOSAiCH 2020 (design, implementation, processing, archiving) and has to be cited together with the data when using MOSAiCH 2020 data in your publications. In this first version, the sample composition and response analysis (chapter 4.2 and 4.3) is not included yet.

Remarks about the documentation


Version number


Embargo end date


Publication date


Version notes

v1.0.0: There might be errors in the definition of the missing codes for the following series of variables: ES30, ES32, COV5 and COV9. These are all questions with some implementation issues, reported in the Survey Documentation. The full data, including invalidated answers, is available for methodological purposes on argued request.

Bibliographical citation

Survey Documentation report: Michèle Ernst Stähli, Marlène Sapin, Alexandre Pollien, Michael Ochsner, Karin Nisple (2021). MOSAiCH 2020 on Environment and related topics. Survey Documentation. Lausanne: FORS – Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences. Data: Michèle Ernst Stähli, Marlène Sapin, Alexandre Pollien, Michael Ochsner, Karin Nisple: MOSAiCH 2020. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland. Study on Environment and related topics [Dataset]. FORS - Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences. Distributed by FORS, Lausanne, 2021.

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Dataset contents