This dataset cannot be reviewed for one of the following reasons: - The dataset status must be the latest submitted version. - The dataset could already be in review.
This dataset cannot be published for one of the following reasons: - A newer version of the dataset exists. - There must be at least one study version published. - You must have the permission to submit.
This dataset cannot be archived for one of the following reasons: – The dataset status must be the latest in review. – You need to configure all archive decisions.
This dataset cannot be deposited for one of the following reasons: - The dataset status must be the latest in editing. - You must have submit rights. - You must have submit permissions.
This dataset cannot be updated for one of the following reasons: - The dataset status must be the latest published or archived. - You must have the permission to submit.
Only authors with "Submit" rights on the study can share a dataset via URL.
This dataset cannot be duplicated for one of the following reasons: - The dataset status must be the latest in editing, submit, archived or publish, you are a researcher and you have study edit rights.
This dataset cannot be returned to editing status for one of the following reasons: - The dataset status must be the latest in the submitted status. - The correction for this dataset has already been initiated.
This study cannot be withdrawn for the following reason: - The submitted study version should be the latest version
This dataset cannot be deleted for one of the following reasons: - The dataset status must be the latest in review and you are a data curator. - The dataset status must be the latest in editing and you are a researcher.