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Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators (AMELI) Workpackage 4 on Robust Methods and Workpackage 7 on the Analysis of Simulation results and Workpackage 8 on Visualisation

Ref. 10626

Project overview

Project title

Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators (AMELI) Workpackage 4 on Robust Methods and Workpackage 7 on the Analysis of Simulation results and Workpackage 8 on Visualisation

Project description language



(b) Universität Trier

54296 Trier Germany

(d) University of Helsinki

P.O.Box 33 Yliopistonkatu 4 00014 Helsinki Finland

(e) Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland

Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 65189 Wiesbaden Germany

(f) Statistik Austria

Guglgasse 13 1110 Wien Austria

(g) Statistics Finland

00022 Statistics Finland Finland

(h) Vienna University of Technology

Karlsplatz 13 1040 Wien Austria

(i) Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Vožarski pot 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

(j) Statistics Estonia

Endla 15 15174 Tallinn Estonia


Beat Hulliger / Principal investigator (c)

Former collaborators


Main discipline(s)

Project progress


Start Date


End Date


Data availability


Version number
