1. Contents of the student survey
The student survey gathered information from children aged 15 -17 to estimate the prevalence of child victimization experienced by them. The primary objective of this approach is to collect data to better estimate of prevalence rates of CSA and child victimization experienced by children aged 15-17. The secondary objective is to test risk factors of CSA.
Target group
A representative sample of students attending Secondary 4 to 6 (or Grades 10 to 12) who are aged 15-17 was selected in Hong Kong and 5 provinces in Mainland China.
Conducting the student survey
The survey was carried out class by class at the selected schools. It started in September 2009 and was completed in May 2010. A group administered interview was adopted. Students were invited to a room and sitting comfortably apart from each other such that they could not see the answers written by other students. The students were well briefed on the background of the survey and the design of the questionnaire. The completion of the questionnaires was completely anonymous and the questionnaire was designed using simple language.
2. Contents and questions posed in the household survey
The primary objective of the household-based approach is to collect data to better estimate of prevalence rates of child victimization experienced by children under age 15, and to test a comprehensive profile of individual and family risk factors correlating to child victimization. Each questionnaire is divided into sections to be completed by a parent.
Target group
Both children aged 15 - 17 and parents with children aged below 15 were interviewed.
Conducting the parent survey
To ensure that a high response rate was obtained and to facilitate a fairly lengthy interview of about 45 minutes, a face-to-face household interview was adopted. The procedure proposed adopted was a multi-wave, multi-contact approach, aimed at increasing the proportion of respondents willing to co-operate in the survey and the chance of contacting the selected households.
Conducting the student survey
The survey was carried out class by class at the selected schools. It started in September 2009 and was completed in May 2010. A group administered interview was adopted. Students were invited to a room and sitting comfortably apart from each other such that they could not see the answers written by other students. The students were well briefed on the background of the survey and the design of the questionnaire. The completion of the questionnaires was completely anonymous and the questionnaire was designed using simple language.