Towards transnational voting in/for Europe!?

Ref. 13259

Bibliografische Referenzen

Bibliografische Referenzen

  • Journal article
    • Michel, Elie, Blatter, Joachim. 2020. Enfranchising Immigrants and/or Emigrants? Attitudes towards Voting Rights Expansion among Sedentary Nationals in Europe.. Ethnic and Racial Studies 0(0): 1–20.
  • Book
    • Blatter, Joachim, Baubock, Rainer. 2019. Let Me Vote in Your Country, and I’ll Let You Vote in Mine. A Proposal for Transnational Democracy.. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. SSRN Scholarly Paper.
    • Blatter, Joachim. 2018. Transnationalizing Democracy Properly: Principles and Rules for Granting Consociated Citizens Voting Rights and Partisan Representation in the Parliaments of Nation States.. WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

Unpublizierte Dokumente

  • Document
    • Michel, Elie, et al., . 2019. Euandi2019 : Project Description and Datasets Documentation.. European University Institute. Working Paper.