Lokalmedien in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein

Ref. 20108


Method description

The first version of this list served as the basis for a representative online survey of all editorial offices of local media in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which was conducted in the context of the SNSF project "Local journalism and municipal communication in the digital transformation". This included traditional print media as well as radio, TV and online media. As such an up-to-date list was not available, it was compiled by the project team. This was initially done through intensive desk research, in which an initial overview was compiled using keyword searches in search engines, websites of various institutions and references on social media platforms. In a next step, this list was presented to various experts in the field of local journalism from all language regions of Switzerland and they were asked for their additions. Finally, the individual sources were reviewed by the team. In 2023, this list was revised, supplemented (local media and columns on social media) and updated. In total, a list of 500 local media (updated version) was compiled as of November 2023. However, due to the constantly changing market, constant changes are to be expected here. The list is therefore constantly reviewed and updated as necessary. Have we not yet included a medium or has a newsroom ceased operations in the meantime? Then please let us know at lokalmedienliste@fhgr.ch

Method (instruments)