We're excited to share that SWISSUbase has published its 1000th dataset! Also version 2.8 is now online.

Wissenschaftsbarometer Schweiz (2016-2022)

Ref. 12634

Bibliographical References

Bibliographical References

  • Journal article
    • Koch, Carmen, Saner, Mirco, Schäfer, Mike S., Herrmann-Giovanelli, Iris, Metag, Julia. 2019. "Space means Science, unless it's about Star Wars": A qualitative assessment of science communication audience segments.. Public Understanding of Science. First Published October 18. DOI: 10.1177/0963662519881938
    • Füchslin, Tobias, Schäfer, Mike S., Metag, Julia. 2019. Who wants to be a citizen scientist? Identifying the potential of citizen science and target segments in Switzerland.. Public Understanding of Science, 28(6), 652–668. DOI: 10.1177/0963662519852020
    • Füchslin, Tobias, Schäfer, Mike S., Metag, Julia. 2018. A short survey instrument to segment populations according to their attitudes toward science: Scale development, optimization and assessment.. Environmental Communication, 12(8), 1095–1108. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2018.1461673
    • Metag, Julia, Maier, Michaela, Füchslin, Tobias, Bromme, Laurits, Schäfer, Mike S.. 2018. Between Active Seekers and Non-Users: Segments of Science-related Media Usage in Switzerland and Germany.. Environmental Communication, 12(8), 1077–1094. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2018.1463924
    • Schäfer, Mike S., Füchslin, Tobias, Metag, Julia, Kristiansen, Silje, Rauchfleisch, Adrian. 2018. The different audiences of science communication: A segmentation analysis of the Swiss population's perceptions of science and their information and media use patterns.. Public Understanding of Science, 27(7), 836–856. DOI: 10.1177/0963662517752886

Unpublished documents
