Journalistic Role Performance around the Globe: Switzerland

Ref. 12081

Bibliographical References

Bibliographical References

  • Journal article
    • Raemy, Patric, Hellmüller, Lea, Beck, Daniel. 2018. Journalists’ contributions to political life in Switzerland: Professional role conceptions and perceptions of role enactment.. Journalism. DOI: 10.1177/1464884918802542
    • Raemy, Patric, Beck, Daniel, Hellmüller, Lea. 2014. Swiss Journalists' Role Performance. The relationship between conceptualized, narrated, and practiced roles.. Journalism Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2018.1423631
    • Mellado, Claudia, Van Dalen, Arjen. 2013. Between rhetoric and practice. Explaining the gap between role conception and performance in journalism.. Journalism Studies, 15(6), 859-878. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2013.838046

Unpublished documents
