The social dimension of emotion regulation: Brain, mind, and behaviour

Ref. 10258


Method description

Methods Laboratory and field studies will be designed to critically test model-driven hypotheses. We plan to experimentally manipulate appraisals of justice (on the basis of erceived equity and fairness) and address the following questions: How do individuals react to a given outcome perceived as just or unjust? What are the differences between advantageous and disadvantageous injustice? Are there differences between diverse forms and sources of injustice? What is the influence of individual differences (in collaboration with IP1)? How do social context and culture influence perception of justice and ensuing emotions and behaviour (in collaboration with IP4)? What is the impact of emotion regulation strategies? Is there a difference whether a greater/smaller outcome is received by another subject? Does it make any difference whether the other is a co-operator or a competitor (social comparison)? Do specific emotion regulation strategies (e.g. distraction, reappraisal or suppression) lead to more successful conflict resolution than others? Is there a difference between experts (e.g. negotiators, mediators) and non-experts in conflict resolution regarding emotional competencies and/or at the behavioural, psychological, physiological and/or neural level? Do these differences account for differences in conflict resolution efficiency, if any? Data collected Measures will consist of a battery of questionnaires and tasks will be used to assess individual differences in personality, neuropsychological functioning and genotypes (in coordination with other Henrik Walter, Germany). In addition, measures will include experimental task performance (via monitoring and timing of responses), self reports (via the Geneva Emotion Wheel (Scherer, K. R. 2005), physiological indexes of autonomic nervous system activity (via recordings of cardio-respiratory activity and skin conductance) and brain activation patterns (via electroencephalography). Facial, vocal, and bodily expressions will also be collected and analysed via facial electromyography, microcoding and image processing. We hope to induce self reports of both intrapersonal/individual emotions (i.e. anger, regret, frustration) as well as interpersonal/social emotions (i.e. shame, guilt, envy). Démarche méthodologique: Expériences de laboratoire, Test psychologique, Observation participante, Observation non participante, Discussions de groupe Univers de référence: Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives Nombre et/ou taille des objets: environ 400 sujets planifiés (comportemental: 200; Physio: 100; EEG/IRMf: 100) Sélection ou échantillonnage: relevé exhaustif Design du relevé: Données relevées par: Dr. Benoit Bediou Précisions significatives: p<0.05

Method (instruments)